The River Scene Contact Information Claude Monet

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The Meadow Scene (Size 55.5 x 38.5 cm)


The third painting we call ‘The Meadow Scene’, 55,5x38,5 cm.

During the years 1886-1891 Monet was busy working with a suite of paintings ‘Essai des figures en plein air’.

Our ‘Meadow-scene’, as well as the two others, belong to this suite. Here Suzanne is standing in an open field, it is late afternoon and the sunset lighting now embeds the whole scene in warm yellow-rose-red hues. The sun is standing low, giving a long shadow, painted in dark green and deep lilac/red alizarin. See also how the sunshine is intensified by the sharp shadow from the hat, and its band hanging down, also giving a ‘micro 3-D-effect’.

The cold blue/lilac/red/white colour on the shadow side of her dress sharpens the feeling of warmth from the sunrays.

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